SHER has been appointed provider of the support service for municipal authorities to optimise the use of the PGRI drawing right by the Public Service of Wallonia. 


Following the large-scale floods that hit Wallonia in July 2021, the Walloon Government has allocated a subsidy of €71.2m in drawing rights to each commune in the wallon territory to implement or strengthen the implementation of flood risk management projects. The aim of this project is to make the area more resilient to future flood risks. To achieve this, the subsidy applies to all measures in the flood management cycle (prevention, protection, preparedness, repair and post-crisis analysis) in order to improve the situation and implement actions that go beyond protection measures, generally implemented as a priority.

Since October, our teams of engineers in the Water and Resilience to Climate Risks department have been working closely with the Non-Navigable Watercourses Directorate of the Public Service of Wallonia (SPW-DCENN) to advise Walloon municipalities on the implementation of flood risk management projects.